Saturday 6 September 2014

Guide to Mindfulness

Mindfulness at Work
As professionals, we have our plates full with one task leading to another. Stress gives us little time to take a break and focus on the other side of our lives, the personal space. Our busy schedules make it too costly to spend a peaceful family time and catch up with friends, making the decisions harder. This is where being mindful of your life’s course comes in. Rather than getting consumed in the rat race we often talk about, we should rather pause and check what our life is becoming.
Adapting mindfulness is not rocket science; we can instill it in our life however we want to. The guide to mindfulness is all about adapting the right kinds of attitude to develop your capacity so that you lead a more meaningful life. The following attitudes can enhance your outlook on the world around you, giving you peace of mind. Who would not want that?
  1. Acceptance – It does not mean accepting what others want you to; it is about coming to terms with your own feelings instead of running away from them. Once you acknowledge where you are, it will be easier to get to the needed change.
  2. Curiosity – It is okay to have the urge of knowing something. Becoming curious about your own thoughts and feelings will lead you to answers. Ask yourself those questions which decode your emotions.
  3. Let it go – Holding on seems easier, but it has pain hidden beneath it. You should be mindful of the harm negative memories can bring you, so do not dwell deep in the past which can harm your future.
  4. Be rational – Rather than categorizing your experiences into good or bad, just observe them with an open mind. If you begin classifying them, your thoughts will be channeled in that direction.
  5. Don’t strive – We often see escape as the easier option if things do not go as planned and jot down the goal for another experience. That is a bad practice; do not ruin your capabilities by being too dependent on goals.
  6. Believe – Be confident in yourself, your intuition and mindful living.

Now that we laid out the paths of the ultimate guide to mindfulness, following are the driving forces which will get you to the destination. These factors will help you be aware of mindfulness so keep them in your sight so that you can turn back to them. Pin them up on your cupboard, maybe?
  1. Intentions- As we often hear that actions are based on intentions; they are a major driving tool for your mindful journey. Interestingly, they are the starting and the ending points because intentions are what we hope to get out of a mindful change in our lives. Therefore, have faith in them and do not alienate from the motivation itself. Whether you want stress elimination or meet your true self, your intentions will keep you on track. The stronger your intention is, the regular you will be in practicing mindfulness.

  1. Attention – In order to be regular in practicing mindfulness, you need to enhance your attention. You can develop attentive attitude through meditation be it tradition or informal.

  1. Attitude – At this point, we would like you to go back to the attitudes we introduced to and pay attention to how you can adapt them easily.
Now that general rules of your guide to mindfulness are set, we will give you some daily life hack to enhancing mindful living. The great thing about this art is that you can practice it anytime; you do not need to go out of the way.
  1. Communicating – When in conversation with someone else, hear the tone of yours and their voice. Catch your thoughts wandering away and drag yourself back to the conversation or else you will hurt feelings.
  2. Exercise – Next time you step on the treadmill or go out for a walk; keep your mind on the track your body is on. Focus on your emotions and the environment around you rather than how the person in front of you is working out. Be curious!
  3. Holidays – Take a break and treat yourself with a vacation away from your comfort zone. Sipping lemonade at the beach should not be making you plan your next holiday, rather enjoy the surroundings before you need to pack and leave. We would advise you to keep your camera and phone away, too.   
  4. Music – Our moods mostly shift gears with the music we listen to. Plug you earphones and play your favorite songs and catch the sounds bits appearing from nowhere and then disappearing back into silence.
  5. Live in the moment – It is either now or never, so slow down and get caught in the moment. Refresh yourself with sniffing the roses on the side of your jogging track instead of hurrying to finish the jog.

While you are done reading and thinking of where to begin the quick fix, bear in mind that being mindful is a journey not a destination. The simplest of actions will kick start a chain reaction and you will find yourself living life in a very simple way. You will begin to see things in the way they are, without any influence just so that you know what you need to be happy and what needs to be left behind because it is not needed for your personal and professional development. We wish you a happy journey!


Peace Quarters

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